Garden Photos

colorful hopsGarden and chicken coop

Basket of ground cherriesBaskt of beans, tomatoes, and other vegetable
Long purple beansBasket of Asian and Rescue PearsPile of French Fingerling potatos

 "Before" picture of overgrown yardPlowing the soil to make the garden
Plowing the soil to make the gardenStone pathways in the garden
The garden in spring timeThe garden in summer time

Melons growing on a trellisKale and green beans on the kitchen tablePea plants growing up a string trellis
Close-up of rutabaga growing in the groundPepper plant in the gardenTrays of seedlings in a crowded bathroom
 Pergola at the entryway to the gardenBeautiful bowl of different color beetsTall thicket of Jerusalem ArtichokesFarmers measure the height of corn stalks
View of garden paths and trellises

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