Goat Photos

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 Open door of goat barnTwo baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats in a dog crate in the back of a truck
Baby goat looking into cameraTwo baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats on their first day at the new homeTwo baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats on the first day at their new home
Baby Nigerian Dwarf Goat in the kitchenBaby Nigerian Dwarf Goat indoors on the staircase
Couple holds black and white Nigerian Dwarf GoatBlonde haired child pets goatsTwo Nigerian Dwarf Goats follow Carrie down the hill
Black and white Nigerian Dwarf Goat sniffs Doug's faceTwo Nigerian Dwarf Goats on the porch
Dog and two Nigerian Dwarf GoatsTwo Nigerian Dwarf Goats looking the same direction
Nigerian Dwarf Goats playingNigerian Dwarf Goats playing
Nigerian Dwarf goat on hilly Pittsburgh landTwo Nigerian Dwarf Goats eat weeds
Close up of Nigerian Dwarf Goat faceGoats on display at Fourth of July picnic
Close up of Nigerian Dwarf goat sticking nose through fenceNigerian Dwarf goat peering through fence
Truck filled with bales of hayDoug with two goats
 Nigerian Dwarf Goat complaining about falling snow

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